This is my version of how to make an Australia Day Cake. It is very symbolic but still colourful and fun.
This is a chocolate cake with cream and cherries inside. This time I added a little of dark chocolate frosting, hoping that it would go nicely with fresh cream and cherries.
I made this special Australian style cake in the shape of Australia using a very simple trick with a cut out paper template. Always works and gives you an easy way to make your cake of any shape possible.
As always I used marshmallow fondant to cover this Australia Day Cake and make edible marshmallow decorations. To speed up the process I made all the marshmallow cake decorations with white marshmallow fondant and then colored them with edible food colours.
For this Australia Day Cake I made a kangaroo, the Opera House, a crocodile and our very famous Ayers Rock to place on top of my Australian Cake. I also tried my best to do some Aboriginal art with cake icing. It looks really cool on the cake.
Surfing is very popular in Australia too. And I couldn’t help myself not to show the fun bit of this by making a surfer fallen in the water and a couple of sharks swimming around him.
As the result this Australia Day Cake looks cool and fun and promising to be very very chocolate and yummy. Hope this ozzy cake will make our celebrations of Australia Day very special tonight!
Happy Australia Day everybody!
Date: 26/01/2013
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